To Tell or Not to Tell Your Boss

Mar 25, 2024

Living with a chronic illness often leads to difficult decisions. One common dilemma faced by those of us with chronic conditions is whether or not to disclose their health status to their employer. While sharing this information with your employer can have both positive and negative implications, it's essential to weigh the potential outcomes carefully.

Legal Requirements

In Australia, you are not generally required to disclose your chronic illness to your employer unless it may impact your ability to perform your job safely or effectively. However, if your condition qualifies as a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, your employer must make reasonable adjustments to accommodate your needs. These adjustments could include flexible work arrangements, modified duties, or workplace modifications. It's crucial to familiarise yourself with your rights and obligations under relevant legislation to make informed decisions about disclosing your chronic illness to your employer.

When you MUST tell

There are instances where disclosure of a chronic illness is legally required, such as when your condition poses a safety risk to yourself or others in the workplace. For example, if you operate heavy machinery and your medication impairs your ability to do so safely, you must inform your employer to prevent accidents. Additionally, in jobs where public health is a concern, such as food handling or healthcare, disclosing certain medical conditions may be necessary to ensure compliance with regulations and maintain a safe environment for employees and customers alike.

While legally required disclosures may initially seem daunting, they can ultimately benefit both you and your employer. By openly communicating about your health condition, you enable your employer to implement necessary accommodations or safety measures, reducing the risk of workplace accidents or misunderstandings. Furthermore, disclosing your chronic illness can foster trust and understanding between you and your employer, paving the way for collaborative problem-solving and a supportive work environment.

Pro’s of Telling

Here are three pros to consider when deciding whether to disclose your medical condition at work (if you don’t legally have to):


  1. Access to Accommodations and Support: One significant advantage of disclosing your chronic illness to your employer is gaining access to accommodations and support that can enhance your work experience. By openly discussing your health condition, you enable your employer to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate your needs. This could include flexible work hours, modified duties, or ergonomic workspace arrangements. Access to these accommodations can help you manage your symptoms more effectively and maintain productivity, ultimately contributing to your overall well-being and job satisfaction.
  2. Reduced Stigma and Misunderstandings: Disclosing your chronic illness can help dispel misconceptions and reduce stigma in the workplace. By openly discussing your health condition, you demonstrate that living with a chronic illness is a normal part of life and can happen to anyone. This openness fosters a culture of acceptance and understanding, encouraging colleagues and supervisors to treat you with empathy and respect. Over time, sharing your experiences may even educate others about the challenges faced by people with chronic illness, fostering a more inclusive and supportive work environment for everyone.
  3. Improved Communication and Planning: When you disclose your chronic illness to your employer, it opens the door to improved communication and planning regarding your work responsibilities. By sharing information about your health condition, you enable your employer to better understand any limitations or challenges you may face. This facilitates proactive discussions about workload management, deadlines, and potential adjustments to your role or tasks. Enhanced communication allows for collaborative problem-solving and ensures that both you and your employer are on the same page regarding expectations and support mechanisms.


While legal protections exist to safeguard against discrimination, people may still encounter challenges when disclosing their chronic illness in the workplace. While instances of overt discrimination are less common in today's workplaces, there may still be subtle biases or misunderstandings that individuals with chronic illnesses face. These could include misconceptions about capabilities or concerns about privacy and boundaries. It's essential to be aware of your rights and prepared to address any instances of unfair treatment. Remember that you are entitled to equal treatment and support in the workplace, and there are avenues available to address any concerns or violations of your rights.

My Personal Journey:

Throughout my 20s, I grappled with the decision of whether to disclose my chronic illness in the workplace. Initially, I chose to keep my health condition private, uncertain of how it would be received and unsure of the implications it might have on my career. However, as I grew older and gained a deeper understanding of my condition and how to manage it effectively, I began to reconsider my approach. On several occasions, I found myself compelled to disclose my health status, particularly when I required extended leave for major surgeries and recovery periods.

In reflecting on my journey, I realized that owning my health situation and openly discussing it with my colleagues and supervisors had significant benefits. By sharing my experiences and challenges, I not only gained support and understanding from those around me but also contributed to a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment. As someone in a leadership role, I discovered that disclosing my chronic illness fostered trust and authenticity among my team members. It created a space where others felt comfortable sharing their own struggles and seeking support when needed.

This journey of embracing vulnerability and leading by example transformed the workplace dynamic, fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and mutual support. Through transparent communication, I found that my chronic illness became a source of strength and connection rather than a hindrance. It enhanced my professional relationships and empowered me to lead effectively, ultimately contributing to a more cohesive and supportive work environment for everyone.

Wrap up

Deciding whether to disclose your chronic illness to your employer is a deeply personal choice that requires careful consideration of various factors. While there are legal requirements in place to protect people from discrimination, navigating the decision to share this information can still be complex. It's essential to be aware of your rights and obligations under relevant legislation and to understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of disclosure.

Ultimately, my personal journey has taught me the power of transparency and openness in the workplace. While I initially grappled with the decision to disclose my chronic illness, I found that owning my health situation and openly discussing it with my colleagues and supervisors had significant benefits. By sharing my experiences and challenges, I not only gained support and understanding but also contributed to a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment.

Whether you choose to disclose your chronic illness or keep it private, remember that you have the right to make choices that prioritise your well-being and professional success. By weighing the pros and cons and considering your individual circumstances, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your values and goals. Ultimately, fostering open communication and understanding in the workplace benefits everyone, creating a more supportive and inclusive environment for all employees.


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